Stroke & Hemiparesis

Stroke & Hemiparesis

Recovery of Motor Functions

Thought to be created by an imbalance in neural activity between the two hemispheres. TMS can stimulate the underactive (affected) hemisphere or inhibit the unaffected (usually overactive) hemisphere. In hemiparesis the motor areas of the brain are affected. 

This treatment can facilitate the recovery of motor function by targeting these areas of the brain. The response can influenced by the extent of brain injury, the length of time since injury and the differences in plasticity between individuals.

Nurse examines mature female patient | Connectomics & TMS
Stroke & Hemiparesis

Treatment Available for Stroke Recovery

At Florida BrainLink Initiative, our neurosurgeons used specialized cutting-edge connectomic software to identify abnormal connections between areas in your brain. This mapping is just the first step. Understanding and interpreting how these connections influence function is the next step. This information is used to plan specific target areas for your TMS therapy.

Once the target is chosen, the functional information is combined with the same navigation used by neurosurgeons in the operating room for pinpoint accuracy. Your therapy session uses a specific TMS protocol called theta-burst or accelerated TMS. Conventional TMS, cleared by the FDA for the treatment of depression routinely is one treatment a day for 30 days. Accelerated TMS moves multiple treatments into a single day. The treatment day will be five TMS treatments with five neuro-facilitation training sessions in a single day. This will be repeated every other day for a total of two weeks. While not FDA-cleared in the US, it is routinely used in Europe and Canada.

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Florida Brain Link Initiative